How to Manage a Formal OET FINAL OBSERVATION Day

RAs in some Regions gather OET Trainees to a single end of the season “Formal Final Observation Day” event.  This allows the RA and their ITs to pool a single effort for a larger group of Trainees.  Two ITs (or one IT with one TE assisting) can observe two OET lessons for a group of 10 Trainees in one day of observations.  A group of four Trainees can typically be concluded before 1 PM.  Ten will take most of the day.

Patroller School Style Observation

ITs can structure the day in any way they want as long as each Trainee teaches one 15 minute Patroller Skill lesson and one 15 minute Toboggan Handling lesson.  It is recommended that Trainees randomly select their lessons from a lottery on the morning of the event.  All Trainees should be skilled enough to be able to assemble a lesson for any topic assigned for teaching within minutes.

Structuring the day similar to the way Patroller School TE Re-Certification operates is suggested.  Spend time using PISE to provide immediate feedback to the Trainees after each lesson.  Consider involving the other Trainees in the PISE  process so each can provide feedback for the teaching performance they saw.  Consider round-robin feedback beginning with one IT, then let the other Trainees provide a short PISE, ending with the IT of Record.  Let the Trainees experience evaluating each other’s teaching performance.

Since the event is being run formally, the IT should pull a TTW Course.  Pulling a course will provide the Instructors with NSP Liability Insurance coverage.

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Improvement Questionnaires

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Eastern Division is dedicated to bringing the best National Ski Patrol educational programs to members in the northeastern United States.  Patroller School was created to help program managers reach Ski Patrollers, and their affiliate members, locate and enroll in division sponsored events.  Our goal is to provide everyone with easy access to selecting and registering for courses.  We are interested in feedback from anyone who has attended any of our events.  Feedback is anonymous and goes directly to the Program Supervisor.  Please check out the following Improvement Questionnaires, fill out the survey and most importantly, take a little time to write us your thought.  Feedback from our users is valuable and gets action . . .