This is a Mid Week Event

AVALANCHE LEVEL ONE — Modules 1, 2 & 3

This class has multiple components. The first component is completed online; Eastern Division has moved the classroom into your home using its Learning Management System. Participants can expect a 3-day, mostly hands-on and outdoor program, which is both mentally and physically challenging. The class focuses on the remaining components on site.

The Smugglers Notch program involves both lift service and touring. Students are in and around avalanche terrain so that participants can gain a better feeling of what the terrain looks like. The students should come to class with equipment appropriate for both uphill and downhill skiing/riding. Split boards, telemark, or alpine touring equipment are required. This class is notorious for cold weather.

Students can expect to learn the basics of avalanche equipment on the first day of class and should be ready for an informative short ski tour. On the second day, students will start to put things together by focusing on companion rescue and gain a better understanding of snowpack. This is done with a longer tour up route 108 into the Notch. On the last day of class, we will practice more with the equipment and the snowpack, then finish the course with professional rescue methods. This last day of class is typically done at the top of the ski resort; the ski lifts are utilized to get up the mountain.

Participants will be hard-pressed to find a program with a high instructor-to-student ratio and professional rescue methods that meet national standards for this price! Expect to work hard and have fun; be prepared to learn a lot!

The instructors volunteer their time because they love what they do. They come from all walks of life; most of them have strong roots as patrollers; all are outdoor enthusiasts; many are professionals at what they are instructing. So as a participant, you will be able to talk directly with a NOAA forecaster, patrollers who work in avalanche terrain, patrollers who have done avalanche mitigation, and patrollers who work on avalanche forecasting.

The entire “Avalanche Level 1 for Rescuers” course fee (includes Modules 1, 2, and 3):

$375.00 National Ski Patrol Members (all non-members must join as affiliate NSP members)

NSP national management has discontinued non-member attendance at avalanche courses taught within the NSP system.  Non-members can join as affiliated NSP members and can enjoy the benefits of NSP professional discounts on avalanche courses.  Non-members must join first and use their NSP ID Number to register for this course.  To join as an associate member, download our Associate NSP Member document and join.

This course requires additional costs for lodging and accommodations during the three-day stay.  Register early; there is a limit of only 12 students.  A waitlist develops every season.  Additional information will arrive by email; your slot in the course is only assured after payment is confirmed.

If you do not need Module 1 because you attended a classroom session in your local Region, please contact the Instructor of Record for additional information or Email the Avalanche Program Supervisor.  Accommodations are available. However, this course is for rescuers, so you will be expected to attend all three days.  It will help prepare you for the anticipated difficulties encountered in the field exercises.


  • Avalanche Level 1 for Rescue Personnel
     February 3, 2025 - February 5, 2025
     8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
We're sorry, but all tickets sales have ended because the event is expired.


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Venue Phone: 800-419-4615

Venue Website:

4323 Vermont Route 108 South, Smugglers' Notch, Vermont, 05464, United States