Nordic Fest is a combination of Nordic Skills Enhancement and Nordic Senior Training. All patrollers are welcome to join the camaraderie and perfect their skiing and technical skills. We will also offer Nordic Senior Training. This will be the first of three senior events the Eastern Division will offer this season.
For lodging at Highland Forest, we have reserved a cabin with a kitchen that sleeps 16 to 20. Everyone staying in the cabin will need their own sleeping bag and mattress pad. Camping in vehicles and tents is also available.
Nordic Fest will provide breakfasts, including bagels, muffins, oatmeal, bananas, clementines, and hot water-based beverages.
You must pack your lunch!
Dinner on Saturday night will be a hearty chili, salad, and bread, followed by dessert.
All attendees must plan and prepare a Navigation exercise using Eastern Division’s online Learning Management System for the Nordic Enhancement. Bring your map for the in-person fieldwork. Register for the weekend event, and your online learning account will be emailed within a day.
Please direct all questions to the Nordic Supervisor by clicking this link to the CONTACT US page and selecting the Nordic-Backcountry Supervisor.
EARLY ARRIVALS are welcome. On Friday, the division staff will be at Highland Forest skiing and scouting terrain. Attendees are welcome to arrive early and join the skiing. The cabin will be available for anyone who wants to sleep Friday night.
Nordic Fest
January 11, 2025 - January 12, 2025
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Venue: Highland Forest - Onodaga County Park NY
Venue Website: