OET Help Desk

OET Records is Eastern Division’s new Instructor Continuing Education tracking application. Instructors can view data and take “Actions” to verify and update their educational progress.  Use the tiles below to access OET Records.  For detailed help, visit “How to access OET Records.”

Request NEW Toboggan Instructor Appointments

. . . after successful “Final Observations” by an IT,  a signed Mentoring Form and Application is required.

Report Toboggan Instructor TTW Attendance

Fill out this form for local Toboggan Instructor TTW Re-Cert Courses. TE’s must use the 3-year SELF-REPORTING form.

OET TE Teaching Observation

Division OET Staff must fill out the TE Teaching Observation Form.  Use your phone to complete it during the observation.

New Toboggan Instructor Final Observations

Discover the two most common methods for conducting Final Observations

TE Self Reporting 3-Year Re-Certification

TE’s have a 3-year path for re-certification.  No more Patroller School attendance required. Review the three requirements.

OET Quality Assurance Report

The Senior Evaluation QUALITY ASSURANCE Form has been put online for convenience and consistency.

OET Senior Evaluation Guidelines

Download a copy of this info in the form of a manual
(updated NOV2024)


Eastern Division OET Program has moved its Instructor data to OET Records found on Patroller School. OET Records is a web app where both Division Staff and individual Toboggan Instructors can track the continuing education and professional development activities required for maintaining re-certification every three years.

All levels of Instructors may log in to their Eastern Division OET Instructor profile to view activity records.  Two kinds of records will be displayed.  Self-Reported activities are those that help individuals track professional development attendance so that OET Staff can understand Instructor development efforts.  The other records which appear are submitted by OET Staff who may have been assigned to observe an Instructor teach, or ran an STW or TTW that qualified as an “official” re-certification event.  For re-certification purposes, TTWs and STWs must be qualified by either Division Staff or the Region’s OET Advisor.  The RA may sanction Toboggan Instructor events as long as Instructor Trainers (IT) are teaching.  For a TE to receive re-certification credit, the event must be sanctioned by Division Steering and be taught by a staff member level IT.

Log into your account and use view the red colored info tabs to review your con-ed progress.  Use the ACTIONS menu to add Self-Reported information about your activities.

TE’s and local Toboggan Instructors are required to re-certify their credentials at an official OET sponsored event. Everyone must sign up, attend to receive official NSP Course Credit to successfully re-certify their level of teaching credentials.  Please watch your Instructor profile and help us ensure that all the professional development you attend is being updated to your Instructor Record

Access to information and the type of actions that are afforded in OET Records are based on the job functions assigned to each level of Instructor.  The variety of Instructors range from local Toboggan Instructors up to RAs, Instructor Trainers as well as OET Division Staff.  Each level is provided with additional functionality for accomplishing the job they are assigned.

Regional OET Advisors are assigned the management role over the Instructors in their region.  Use the information OET Records provides to track Instructor activities and assign re-certification duties to Instructor Trainers (ITs).  The ACTION of Instructor List is the best place to start to review instructors.  Use the FILTER FIELDS at the top to narrow the list.  The most common search for instructors might be by REGION (use the pull-down) and PATROL.  The picture below shows such a list:


Everyone who has access at their required level, should review the records for accuracy and if anything is missing, or incorrect, please contact OET RECORDS by email.  Or fill out a TECH SUPPORT form found below.

The Steering Committee members in charge of maintaining these records will receive your submissions and work on fixing .

Tech Support is an excellent way to communicate because logging your submission will generate a ticking time-clock for faster resolution.

Anyone can fill out a self-report. However, TEs are required to use self-reporting to track the extra con-ed activities that they need for achieving TE-level re-certifications.  Only OET Steering Committee can teach an STW required for Trainer-Evaluator Re-Certification. RAs should encourage all Regional Staff TE’s to register on Patroller School for TE level STW Con Ed courses, because they are the final requirement needed for the higher level re-certification. 

NSP expirations are automated, so expiring TE’s will lose their Instructor appointment and will no longer be able to open courses without following the Self-Reporting process.  If a TE no longer wants to re-certify their evaluator privileges, they may step back to re-certifing as an OET Toboggan Instructor at any qualifying Regional TTW event.

RA’s or their designated IT’s process Regional level Instructor Re-Certification by using OET Records to submit re-certification data.  The top of this page has a tile with the button to take you to rhe right place.  Each existing Toboggan Instructor must attend a Regional TTW, sanctioned by the RA ,which includes an ID Continuing Ed component combined into the course.  Download the Eastern Division OET TTW Course Guideline to ensure that re-certified Instructors meet all the required criteria.   Instructor Re-Certifications need to be processed in APRIL of every year, based on the new NSP April reporting schedule. Everything has shifted to an April first reporting deadline.  Please wrap up your courses and final observations immediately upon concluding the on-snow event and process course credit for those who attended.  If questions persist, please contact the Division OET Supervisor directly.

Expired Instructor Re-Certification PARADOX

All OET Regional Advisors, please check your Instructor’s records during the month of July.  All Re-Certifications and New Instructor Appointments must be received by the first of April.  Instructor terms officially expire on April 30th.  OET Staff submits by April 15th, and it is up to the national Education Department to update Instructor’s national records.

If the re-certification paperwork was not received by April first, and processed by Division Staff by the fifteenth, then National will expire these TE’s and IT’s.  Only the RA can correct this situation, by requesting an audit of records be conducted by the Assistant Supervisor. A favorable finding will lead to re-instating the Instructor or TE.  But the audit will require gathering documents.  Please maintain your records to speed up the process.

If you need an Instructor or TE re-appointed, please contact the Division OET Supervisor directly or the Assistant OET Supervisor to conduct a records audit.

RA’s or their designated IT’s who completed a Final Observation for a “NEW” Toboggan Instructor must process the request with the scanned paper documentation required by National.  Before conducting az “Final Observation” teaching session, please collect the Instructor Trainee’s application and mentoring form.  

Each New Toboggan Instructor must teach at a FINAL OBSERVATION event where an Instructor Trainer decides if they are to be recommended to the Division OET Supervisor for a full Instructor appointment. 

New Instructor Certifications are officially processed in early April after the winter season has ended.   These forms are forwarded to NSP during the mid April time period and scrutinized to ensure that each new Instructor has met all requirements.

RA’s and their Instructor Trainers seeking information for structuring OET Instructor Mentoring and the “Final Observation” events can review the Eastern Division guidelines:

Mentoring and Observing OET Instructor Trainee’s

Need Help?

Fill out the Tech Support Ticket Request found below

Eastern Division is dedicated to providing excellent Technical Support to its Division based IOR’s and RA’s.  We are a volunteer organization and are not always available by telephone when you need help.  However, we are determined to resolve your issue quickly.  Please fill out the form below describing your issue with as much detail as possible.  We will contact you with a solution as quickly as we can resolve it.  Thank you for being patient.

Don’t forget that problems encountered during courses, clinics, events, and evaluations can be emailed directly to the Division NSP Supervisor responsible for that particular event.  Please consider contacting the responsible Supervisor.

Contact Program Supervisors

Click here to send messages directly to the Program Supervisors responsible for education delivery