Trainer-Evaluator Re-Certification
…go to OET Records
Patroller Schools are changing and will shift focus to training member patrollers and certifying new TE Trainees. Existing TE’s will re-certify using the guidance below to manage their own re-certification without attending 2-day Patroller School events.
NSP requires that all TE’s teach during every season of a three-year re-cert cycle (unless sidelined by the RA for an injury). The best way to document your teaching at a Senior Program event is to insist that the IOR organizing the event lists your participation in the ASSISTING Instructor’s box. It is further recommended that every TE should strive to volunteer as an IOR and organize Senior training events for their Region. Consult your OET Region Advisor (RA) for opportunities to organize clinics.
During a three-year re-certification cycle, every TE is required to report the following:
TE Requirement #1) NSP requires at least once every three years, that a TE formally request a “Teaching Observation” from an OET Division Staff Member. Division Staff is the QA Instructor-Trainers that help RA’s maintain a certified and up-to-date Senior Training corp. During the observation, Staff will fill out the same report card used during traditional Patroller School events. The report card will be uploaded as proof of formal observation. Contact your RA to help organize an observation event.
TE Requirement #2) NSP requires at least once every three years, that a TE formally attend an online OET specific Instructor Continuing Education course. This requirement includes all NSP Toboggan Instructors. Eastern Division OET will offer online options, including the annual OET Staff HOMEWORK assignment.
TE Requirement #3) OET Steering Committee requires at least once every three years, that a TE attend a Ski Trainers Workshop (STW) specifically geared towards TE re-certification. TE-oriented STW’s will be spread around the division and be advertised on Patroller School. Consult with your OET Region Advisor for guidance. Or, TE’s my opt-in for taking an approved PSIA/AASI clinic of their choice. Events taken with PSIA/AASI require the signature of the Instructor. Download a course completion form and get it signed during the PSIA event.
Since the Division is shifting to a “Self-Reporting” system, it is the TE’s responsibility to return to this page after completing each type of requirement. TE’s must track their own progress through the re-certification process, or they will be dropped off the TE roster. After completing each task, click the “…go to OET Records” button. All three tasks must have a submission within the 3-year window for valid re-certification.
NSP Education Department re-news OET Instructors and TEs from April 30th to April 30th (three years later). They require submissions from Eastern Division to be made on April 1st to provide adequate vetting. Therefore the OET Records SELF-REPORTING deadline is set for midnight March 31st.
Patroller Schools are once again allowing TEs to attend the TE Evaluation as a 2-day way of re-certification. However, TE Requirement #2 must be completed as preparation for evaluation at a Patroller School. The Online homework helps TEs keep up with the contemporary changes that the OET Senior Program experiences and prepares TEs for effective participation.
TE Self-Reporting Form
Existing TE’s are required to report attendance to accumulate Re-Certification credits
OET IT Teaching Observation Form
Division Staff members observing TE’s teaching are required to report observations as a requirement of Re-Certification
Questions regarding self-managed re-certification should go to OET RECORDS by email. Or fill out a TECH SUPPORT form found below. The Steering Committee members in charge of maintaining records will receive your request or email.
Need Help?
Fill out the Tech Support Ticket Request found below
Eastern Division is dedicated to providing excellent Technical Support to its Division based IOR’s and RA’s. We are a volunteer organization and are not always available by telephone when you need help. However, we are determined to resolve your issue quickly. Please fill out the form below describing your issue with as much detail as possible. We will contact you with a solution as quickly as we can resolve it. Thank you for being patient.
Don’t forget that problems encountered during courses, clinics, events, and evaluations can be emailed directly to the Division NSP Supervisor responsible for that particular event. Please consider contacting the responsible Supervisor.
Contact Program Supervisors
Click here to send messages directly to the Program Supervisors responsible for education delivery