OET Scoring and Grading

Senior Evaluation Scoring Process

Senior Candidates will be expected to perform at a SATISFACTORY level or higher on each skill element.

  • Essential Elements were not observed or not present
  • Essential elements are beginning to appear
  • Essential elements appear, but not with consistency
  • Essential elements appear frequently, at a satisfactory level
  • Essential elements appear consistently above the required level
  • Essential elements appear continuously, at a superior level

The scoring system displayed above is meant to be an objective-based reminder to evaluators who judge Senior tasks, elements, and activities.

How effectively does the Senior Candidate display the skills being tested against the standard for each activity?

TEs mark their scorecards using this scale to pass those who are observed performing the essential elements at a SATISFACTORY level or higher.  the grading scale is a guideline meant to show that Candidates are achieving the Senior Level of Standard.  This traditional Senior level has been known as Six.  It defines the level of performance mastery and skill understanding, which is different from basic Patrollers, traditionally known as level Five.

The videos embedded in this document, as well as the personalized training that Senior Candidates receive from their respective Regional OET Programs, are designed to provide an understanding of the difference between basic patrollers and the senior level required to become an Alpine Senior Patroller.

 Think of the Senior Evaluation scoring as an intuitive guide for recognizing whether performance indicators appear at the Senior Level of Standard:

  • Not present  (not Senior)
  • Beginning to appear  (not Senior)
  • Not yet consistent  (not Senior)
  • Satisfactory Senior level
  • Consistent Senior level
  • Fully mastered Senior level (possibly TE level)

The scorecard is set up with the elements showing bulleted performance indicators.  Scores are recorded for each assessment element.  Determining a successful PASS for a Senior Candidate requires performing all the elements, attaining scores of “satisfactory” or higher for each performance indicator.


TE Trainee grading is identical, BUT the performance level expected in the standard is higher!

TE Trainee Evaluation Scoring Process

TE-Trainees will be expected to perform at a SATISFACTORY level or higher on each skill element. 

TE-Trainees must perform a higher Level of Standard than Seniors.  Reviewing the OET elements described in the TE section illustrate the higher level of performance required to pass.  The critical question being asked while observing TE Trainees is:

How effectively does the TE-Trainee display the skills being tested against the standard for each activity?

Steering Committee members mark scorecards using the same grading criteria described above to pass Trainees who are observed performing the essential elements at a SATISFACTORY level or higher.  The grading scale is a guideline meant to show that Trainees are achieving the TE Level of Standard.

The videos embedded throughout the OET web pages, as well as the personalized training that the Trainees receive from their respective Regional OET mentors, are designed to provide an understanding of the difference between Senior Patrollers and the performance level required for becoming a Trainer-Evaluator.

 Think of the TE Evaluation scoring as an intuitive guide for recognizing whether performance indicators appear at the TE Level of Standard:

  • Not present  (not TE level)
  • Beginning to appear  (not TE level)
  • Not yet consistent  (not TE level)
  • Satisfactory TE Level
  • Consistent TE Level
  • Fully mastered TE Level

The scorecard is set up with the elements showing bulleted performance indicators.  Scores are recorded for each assessment element.  Determining a successful PASS for a TE-Trainee requires performing all the elements, attaining scores of “satisfactory” or higher for each performance indicator.

OET Program Organization

…back to the division’s  description of the OET organization

Becoming a Trainer-Evaluator

Detailed description of the Trainer-Evaluator track

OET Senior Evaluation Guidelines

Download a copy of this info in the form of a manual
(updated NOV2024)