TE Candidate Training Opportunities
Coming Soon
Coming Soon
Outdoor Emergency Transportation, also known as OET, has been chosen by the Eastern Division Board of Directors as the beta testing program for the new Patroller School Event Management System. The system is designed to provide members and affiliates with a simple to search and easy to purchase educational course website. The goal is to help Ski Patrollers locate the type of courses they might be seeking for professional development and to get them registered and into the class with confirmation.
The Avalanche Program will also be participating in this first season beta test. Both programs were chosen because they operate the largest two fee-based educational programs within Eastern Division. One of the hallmarks for smoothing the customer’s purchasing experience is to provide Credit Card processing. This way students do not need to worry about mailing in checks or application forms. Everything related to purchasing and preparing for an NSP course will now be handled instantly online — from selecting choices to finalizing payments. The Event Management System processes participant’s registrations and sends an email confirmation receipt with everything a student requires to get started with their course. Those taking Avalanche courses receive their homework pre-course assignments, textbooks are shipped directly from NSP headquarters, the Instructor of Record is notified, and students receive confirmation and direct contact information for reaching their Instructor with questions when they require help.
The technology for creating a modern event purchasing system came from Eastern Division’s OET and Avalanche Programs testing a similar system operated by New Hampshire Region. Although the inspiration came from watching how effective Eastern Pennsylvania Region (EPA) has been in their management of the Elk Mountain Patroller School over the last five years. EPA produced educational events with the highest attendance and the best customer satisfaction levels across the Division. They implemented friction-free modern e-commerce based tools that helped event managers simplify the logistical headaches that accompany large events that attract over 125 skiers and snowboarders. Their pioneering endeavor paved the way for Eastern Division to take note and realize that the growth of educational offerings can only come from finding simpler ways to attract Ski Patrollers and helping course managers by handling the tedious organizational details that often take up hundreds of hours of Instructors time as they prepare the event.
Eastern Division is committed to making this a successful initiative. Feedback from attendees is welcome. Please detail any failings you may have encountered, as well as your best experiances. This season is like a beta test. We expect to learn and make adjustments. The goal for the 2019-20 winter season is to roll in all the other Eastern Division NSP Programs: