OET Trainer Evaluator Teaching Methods

Over the last twenty-five years, Eastern Division OET has developed a five-point “Teaching Methods Philosophy” used by TEs when coaching Senior Candidates.   All five methods in the philosophy can be found in the Instructor Development textbook called “Training the Adult Learner.”  It is important to download a copy and re-read the chapters cited below, These are the core of OET Instructional understanding.


OET Teaching Philosophy

1) Lesson Progressions

Lesson Progressions that chain together “Snippets” to facilitate incremental success as a pathway for mastering skills (ID Textbook Appendix D Effective Teaching Techniques — Focusing on One Element).

2) Snippet Size Lessons

Snippet Sized Lessons with manageable objectives designed to simplify guided practice, leading to quicker student success (ID Textbook Chapter 2 Adult Learning Characteristics).

3) 6-Pack Lesson Plans

Six-Pack Lesson Planning with an emphasis on Concluding Objectives and Summarization (ID Textbook Chapter Chapter 5 Lesson Planning).

4) Monitoring & Evaluation

Ongoing Monitoring and Evaluation to re-teach skills, customizing faster student success (ID Textbook Chapter Chapter 8 Monitoring and Evaluation).

5) Positive Immediate Feedback

Individualized Positive Immediate Student Feedback used throughout all learning activities (ID Textbook Chapter Chapter 3 Human Relations and Communication).

Structuring on-snow courses that include all five methods is important.  Once TE Trainees make it to a Patroller School evaluation, their teaching and grading will be assessed against their skillful use of all the OET Teaching Methods.


ADAPT is the MONITORING AND EVALUATION model that must be intertwined throughout the bulk of a typical lesson.  During Content Delivery, the Instructor should be checking for understanding.  While coaching students during Learning Activities, Instructors should be evaluating students for progress.  ADAPTing and Re-ADAPTing are central to good coaching.

Assess – observe and identify student strengths and needs for improvement.

Develop – craft a lesson for ‘ONE’ development area that will do the “MOST GOOD!”

Assign Tasks – Think of an activity or drill that can help and builds off any prior drills/activities (progression) and includes components of kinesthetic, visual & verbal learning.

Practice – Give the patroller ample time to practice (ie: multiple runs, varying terrain, ample coaching),

Test – with immediate positive feedback.

Re-ADAPT reminds TEs to repeat the ADAPT process until the students learn the skills before moving onto new topics.

Re-ADAPT reminds TEs to repeat the ADAPT process until the students learn the skills before moving onto new topics.

Positive Immediate Feedback

Individualized Positive Immediate Student Feedback needs to be the primary method of guiding students. It’s important to focus on ONE skill at a time when selecting feedback.  OET refers to this as PISE feedback to remind TEs how to convey it.

PISE feedback:

  • Positive – always begin with skills the student shows successfully
  • Improvement – choose one element that can be improved.
  • Specific – provide a specific way of achieving improvement.
  • Evaluation – give students a score!

Good Teaching Habits

Good Teaching Habits are important for creating a learning environment.  For example, gather the group in safe locations, remove your goggles, stand below the group, speak clearly so you can be heard, etc.

Avoid using: “I want to see you do…” or “I didn’t like it when you…”

Focus on: “Did you notice how you did…” or “How did it feel when…”

ADAPT your lessons with drills and activities to address the most critical area that might make the biggest improvements.

Demonstration Accuracy

TE Trainees will be asked to provide demos of various senior-level skills and drills.  They will be expected to successfully evaluate the quality of these demos.  Simulations may be employed to provide evaluation discussions for dissecting the fundamentals.  Trainees are expected to show an understanding of how to highlight individual fundamentals during lessons as a teaching technique.