OET TE Trainee Evaluation Expectations

What to Expect on TE Evaluation Weekend

Trainer-Evaluator evaluations and Re-Certifications are held exclusively at OET Patroller Schools.  TE Trainees are evaluated over a two day period in a relaxed clinic/evaluation format.

Day 1 

  • TE Trainees will facilitate and teach** a full day toboggan/patroller skills clinic.
  • They will appropriately assess the ability level of the group.
  • Address safety and clinic expectations.
  • Develop and implement an appropriate lesson progression based upon the skill/experience of the group.
  • Provide attendees with appropriate tasks and feedback to promote improvement.
  • Provide patroller skills and toboggan handling demos for participants at an average of 4 runs during the clinic.  

(Link to TE report card doc on Division OET Webpage)

**TE Trainees will be observed teaching by a Division OET Steering or Staff member.  To ensure the ability to accurately score senior events candidates will be asked to “score” and provide feedback to clinic members with respect to the Senior OET elements.  

Day 2

Clinic with Division Steering/Staff Members/PSIA Educational Staff Member

  • TE Trainees will demonstrate personal proficiency as described in the scoring criteria found earlier in this manual.
  • The clinic will include skiing, patroller skills, and toboggan updates with an emphasis on useful drills and incorporating contemporary ski/toboggan instruction terminology within the OET Teaching Philosophy.